I was sent a link to an advert for local artists in my area to stock a new shop that is opening in Ulverston England. I answered this sending some emails of my hanging witches and fairy's. I was delighted when I received an email back saying they would like to stock them on the run up to Christmas. So with that said I have been hard at work making enough to have a small shop display.
I decided that I would try and do a mermaid selection also.
Using more or less the same technique as the witches and fairy's, the only change being that this has a tail instead of legs and less feathers and I think it worked well.
This is my first one with other colors to come. I used two crystals glued together and a pearl looking bead as her magic clam.

Magical Miniatures
If you love all things magical and miniature you are in the right place.
About me and my blog
I am a mother of three and work on a market stall. In my free time I love to make magical miniatures. It all started with my gran who spent hours when I was a child teaching me how to make do. This entailed mending and fixing and making things from scratch. My dolls house consisted of cardboard boxes with windows cut out, beautifully decorated and all furniture hand made. We sat for hours making clothes and accessories for my dolls to the envy of my friends that all had the same generic stuff. So thanks gran for the inspiration. I hope you enjoy my art and my blog. Thanks for visiting.