Magical Miniatures

If you love all things magical and miniature you are in the right place.

About me and my blog

I am a mother of three and work on a market stall. In my free time I love to make magical miniatures. It all started with my gran who spent hours when I was a child teaching me how to make do. This entailed mending and fixing and making things from scratch. My dolls house consisted of cardboard boxes with windows cut out, beautifully decorated and all furniture hand made. We sat for hours making clothes and accessories for my dolls to the envy of my friends that all had the same generic stuff. So thanks gran for the inspiration. I hope you enjoy my art and my blog. Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Holy water bottle

I have been considering a miniature vampire slaying kit for a while and finally decided to make one.
 I have the box in witch it will reside and i'll paint it black with a red satin plush inlay. I have not quite decided on the exact cross design for the lid of the box but I am thinking red and gems!  Inside i'll have a vile of holy water, a stake, an amulet with a scroll and fang.
So far I have the holy water bottle done. I had taken some crosses off some old jewelry and have a few left so iv'e glued one to the bottle front.
Also my bottle was missing it's stopper so I had to make one from clay.


  1. This is cool, cant wait to see it ;)

  2. what a fun project! I love the box you have chosen and I can't wait to see more too :)

  3. Thanks Jane and Kim, There will be more soon. x

  4. Ohh what a great idea, this should be a fun build!

  5. Wonderful idea, I'll follow your progress. Good idea to make the new stopper of clay :D!
    Greetings, Ilona

  6. Thanks for the kind comments Ilona and Jennybee. x
